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Ways You Can Share God’s Word
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support an initiative
smarter ways to give
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Monthly Partner
Monthly partners are the lifeblood of our ministry. By committing to a monthly gift, you will consistently support the spiritual needs of believers worldwide.
Support an Initiative
Be Specific with Your Giving
Do you have a heart for a certain group or need? You can direct your gift to the initiative that you are passionate about today.
Church Growth
Scripture engagement is key to start new churches and help existing churches grow in size and maturity.
Children & Youth
We reach those from primary school through college so they will follow Jesus all through their lives.
Prison Ministry
Prison inmates can find true freedom through Jesus Christ and experience transformation through God’s Word.
Smarter Ways to Give
Leave a legacy through one of our planned giving options. Your gift will secure support for so many to engage in the Word of God for years to come.
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How Your Gifts Are Being Used
since 1938
Bibles and biblical resources provided
Trained to share God's Word
Churches planted worldwide