Meet Jen DeVries!

For 9 years, Jen has been an invaluable resource to the Advancement team at Bible League! She wears many hats, including Radio Campaign Coordinator and Special Advancement Project Manager.

Jen keeps Bible League’s fundraisers up to date with all the current happenings in the company.

Ministry Impact August 5 Staff Corner Jen

From serving at Bible League to her own personal faith, she has found that prayer is a core element in her life.

From 2020-2021, I started and finished the Bible in a Year podcast featuring Father Mike Schmitz. Through that, I realized the journey each of us has with Christ is different for every believer. But the important thing is that we are continually working on it.

I love how one of Bible League’s core values of the ministry is prayer. Bible League instills a culture focused on prayer, and rooted in Scripture. Not only that, spiritual leadership is at the very center of our leaders’ responsibilities at Bible League International. What a testament to a ministry that belongs to the Lord in the first place!

And in Bible League’s ministry, Jen saw first-hand how the Lord has moved in other believers’ lives.

With Bible League, I traveled to Kenya in early 2020. Seeing the Maasai village and traveling across vast areas was eye opening, because I was not familiar with Kenya and its beauty and its wonderful people.

The Church in Kenya is vibrant and enthusiastic for the Lord! Seeing and hearing about Bible League’s programs from the field itself was interesting too. I had never heard of the meetings where pastors introduced the program to different communities. It is where our coordinators describe how the programs work, and how the materials are FREE if pastors and leaders agree to send attendance tracking to Bible League.

Pp Kenya

God’s Church grows with each “yes” from these wonderful volunteers who lead our programs. They are so willing and thankful for these materials. They are able to do so much with them.

Seeing God work gives Jen encouragement in her personal faith with Jesus.

I do enjoy studying the typology in the Bible. The Bible is an unparalleled example of God’s perfect plan for all of humankind’s redemption from sin by our Savior.

And my favorite Bible verse is the one that has meaning for the moment in my life when I need to hear it. God knows what I need to hear and when. His timing is perfect!

And do what you learned and received from me—what I told you and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 ERV

I do like the passage in Philippians 4:4-9. It’s very specific in what I need to do as a follower of Jesus, and what I will receive if I do it. I am a rule follower who often sees things in black and white and I enjoy these instructions for how to be a Christian. And who doesn’t want God’s perfect peace!