Indonesia Together2Pastor Usanto found Echa and Rio in the small room their parents rented as a place to live. “The boys were locked in, naked, without food, without access to a bathroom, and without any adult supervision,” the pastor recalls. Together with his wife, Pastor Usanto leads the Rescue Homes for Children in Bali, Indonesia. They minister to the lost, using Bible study resources you help provide.

Rio (11) and Echa (10) are brothers born to non-religious, unmarried parents. They have insufficient reading, writing, and arithmetic skills compared to other children their age. Bible League’s Project Philip children’s materials, which provide simple reading materials, are helping the young brothers a lot.

Besides their improved education, Echa and Rio have found truth and hope in Christ. Echa states, “I am a Balinese who should follow Hinduism, but I am happy now because I believe in the Lord Jesus.” His brother Rio shows his favorite part of the Bible study booklet, explaining Christ’s redeeming sacrifice. “I like this part because the Lord Jesus has cleaned my heart,” Rio points out.

Even though they had to start their lives with poor parental figures, Rio and Echa have now grown up to be children of hope in Christ. Rio loves to play soccer with his new friends at the rescue home and dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. His brother Echa has other dreams: “I want to become a pastor because I want to pray for my family and other people.”

“Thank you for giving us God’s Word!” the two brothers shout happily. It’s through your support that Indonesian children like Echa and Rio can hear the Good News about the gift of salvation in Christ. Pray for the future of Echa and Rio. May God release them from their childhood trauma and lead them to experience grace upon grace in Christ. Pray that they will be a blessing to those around them.