Morweng was born in Moshana Village in the Northwest Province of South Africa. “I attended primary school, and I ended up with four children with different fathers due to carelessness,” says this single mother. “I lacked parenting skills and punished my eldest child with a whip. He left home and began sleeping at the neighbors and in taverns. He later returned home and was glad he reunited with the family.
“In 2018, I heard about Bible League’s Project Philip at a church in Driefontein. Through prayer and studying in the group, I received Christ as my Savior. Participating in the Bible studies changed my life. I developed a deep desire to read the Bible by myself and discovered God’s love. I began to understand what I was reading,” she attests.
“I grew up isolated and lacking social skills. Attending the Bible studies and reading the Bible caused me to enjoy people’s company, especially church members. I now attend church regularly and enjoy it. People in the community and the church have begun to trust me. My neighbor fell and cracked her knee. I visited her at the hospital until she passed away, something I wouldn’t have done in the past. I enjoyed ministering to her because I was learning about the fruit of the Spirit, about love, forgiveness, and kindness.”
Morweng’s change is visible even to her peers. “As I look back on my life, I see the new ‘me’ developing. I pray for God to help me grow in His knowledge to touch many lives. And to give me a deeper heart of hospitality, as I still struggle with giving, especially financially,” she admits.
“The Project Philip Bible study booklets are excellent resources for my spiritual journey. I like them because they are in my language that I fully understand. Our teacher, Pastor Benson, is very patient with us and helps us grasp the content without rushing through the booklet. I always look forward to the next class with great excitement as I always learn something new.”
Morweng thanks Bible League donors like you for finding transformation through Christ and giving her a Bible.
“Many of us rural people cannot afford a Bible. Pray for me to become more like Jesus. I want to become a fruit-bearing Christian who can serve God and His people with love,” she concludes.