Banduru, 54, spent most of her life as a devout Hindu, following in the footsteps of her ancestors. Despite being poor and illiterate, she worked tirelessly to provide for her son and daughter in a remote village in eastern India. Like many others in her village, Banduru believed that good would come their way because of their offerings of goats, chickens, ducks, or doves to the local priest.
However, everything changed when she encountered a group of Christians who introduced her to the Gospel. She was initially resistant to the teachings of Jesus Christ, but when Banduru’s health began to deteriorate, she needed help. She joined a Project Philip Bible study program hoping to find answers and comfort.
Banduru connected with a community of believers who prayed for her and read portions from the Bible. One particular verse stood out to her: John 15:16. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit…” This passage spoke to her heart and gave her the strength to continue on her journey of faith.
“I read the verse repeatedly, acknowledging that God had chosen me,” she expressed. As she studied the verse, her health steadily improved. She gained an unwavering dedication to study God’s Word. She never missed a class. “Through my readings, I came across the story of Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector who was despised by the public but loved by God who forgave his sins. It made me realize that God is truly merciful, and I believe He also loved me.”
Her life took a new turn as she began perceiving life from God’s perspective. She boldly declares, “My vision and prayer is establishing churches.” Recognizing and accepting God’s calling gave her a sense of purpose in life. The training she received from Bible League equipped her to share the Good News with non-believers.
Today, Banduru’s life has been transformed by her newfound faith in Jesus Christ. She has found hope, peace, and purpose in her life and is grateful for the love and support of her fellow believers. Through her story, we are reminded of the power of faith to transform even the toughest of circumstances, and how the love of Christ can truly change lives.
She is grateful to Bible League for the training they provided. “Bible League is unique in their teaching of how to make disciples and grow your faith. Their teaching methods are effective and practical.”
Despite the increasing persecution of Christians in India, Banduru is passionate about spreading the Gospel to her community and beyond.