Joseph resides in Joppie village, in Limpopo Province, South Africa. This pharmacist and married father describes himself as an “immoral alcoholic” who consulted local witchdoctors not all that long ago. In 2016, however, he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Two years later, he felt called to serve the Lord.
He points to Jesus’ words in John 14:6 as having a powerful impact on his life–“I am the way, the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.” He shared that verse with a friend, who immediately went home and destroyed an idol altar he had there. That friend is now a believer who has faced persecution from his family for his faith in Jesus Christ.
Today, Joseph is a Bible League-trained church planter. He planted his first church after forming small group Project Philip Bible studies in his house.
“I learned that church planting is not about a structure or a huge flock, but about small, strong groups working as the foundation,” he explains. Still, he faces challenges due to restrictions the local authorities have imposed that ban the opening of new churches.
Despite the opposition, the need for God’s Word is growing in his community. “If I have more Bibles, I will start more Project Philip Bible studies,” says Joseph. In the meantime, he continues working as a pharmacist while also leading Bible studies.
Grateful for the Bibles and training you provide, he asks for your prayers, especially for the newly planted church and for two of his siblings who don’t yet know the Lord. Smiling, he shares, “My dream is to lead and grow this new ministry and win more souls to Christ!”