Webinar Registration Information


Ministry in Honor/Shame Cultures
June 28, 2022

Christ Flanders

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Chris Flanders to speak as part of our Scripture Engagement Webinar Series on June 28, 2022.

Missions and Intercultural Studies at Abilene Christian University and teaches in both undergraduate ministry programs and the graduate seminary. He spent a total of 11 years serving in Thailand, 8 of those with his wife, Cara, church planting among northern Thai. He has also worked with Bible League International’s Bible Translation team as an editorial consultant with the Thai ERV project. He is the author and editor of numerous articles and books, including Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message and Ministry, Devoted to Christ: Essays in Honor of Sherwood Lingenfelter, and About Face: Rethinking Face for 21st Century Mission. You may find a couple of his books on the Recommended Resources page of our online bookstore here.

Registration is now open! Please choose one of the options below.

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CDT


3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CDT