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A Village Searching for Hope

A rural village in Zambia was once completely abandoned because it was so full of witchcraft. But now, there’s a thriving congregation that meets under a tree. Sylvester knows God is calling him to build a church building here to be a beacon of hope for a poor, impoverished community.

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Craving Hope | Sylvester’s Story

Seeing Stories Come to Life

I didn’t know what to expect when I got out of the SUV. We had been in the car for almost an hour to get to the village from our hotel. Before that, we drove almost seven hours from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, to get to the Sinda District. I was a long way from my Indiana home.

On the other side of the road, lined with black plastic to protect it from the wind, was the church. It wasn’t a church building. There is no building there, not yet anyway. But this is their church.

Join the Church Under A Tree

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Seeing Stories Come to Life

After her parents’ divorce, Faneli faced a harsh life in the Sinda district of Zambia. Faneli’s mother remarried, but her stepfather rejected her. “My stepfather saw no benefit in educating someone who wasn’t his biological child,” she recalls.

She also joined a cult called ‘Gule,’ a traditional outfit promoting satanic beliefs. She got demon-possessed and thought God’s Word was meaningless and didn’t pay attention to it. But despite all her challenges, she states, “God's plans for me didn't stop.”