Report of a Bible study graduation ceremony in rural Tanzania
Can you remember the day you received your first Bible?
I want to invite you to attend a Bible study graduation ceremony.
I want you to experience the immense joy and gratitude these graduates experienced when they finally received the Bible they’d been expecting so eagerly.
Join me on my visit to Kemange, a village in Tanzania’s northern Mara Region.
Joyful Worship
It was on a Friday afternoon in October. Pastor John Mwita, Bible League’s ministry leader in Mara, drove me across bumpy, unpaved roads to Kemange.
As we approached the sanctuary, the sound of joyful worship reached our ears.
Inside the sizable, concrete, tin-roofed sanctuary, I found a colorful crowd swaying in the pews to the happy sounds of an African-style worship song. A young man dressed in black sang the Lord’s praise, and the congregants responded in beautiful harmony., clapping their hands to the rhythm.
Their excitement was so contagious that I soon found my rigid Dutch limbs moving along.
On the way to Kemange, we had crossed a small river. Pastor Mwita had pointed out that water is so scarce that the villagers bathe and wash their clothes in the same stream they drink from.
Can you imagine that?
Lacking essential commodities like fresh water and still rejoicing in the Lord?
Jesus says, “But anyone who drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again” (John 4:14). Kemange’s Bible study graduates gave me a new understanding of that verse.
That day, Kemange’s congregants gathered to celebrate their completion of the Project Philip Bible study program. Based on the story of the apostle Philip in Acts 8, Bible League trains “Philips” to help their relatives, friends, and neighbors study God’s Word for the first time. At the end of the course, the participants graduate and receive a Bible.
The expectation of having their own copy of God’s Word was the reason for that day’s excitement.
Following Jesus’ Words
The local pastor, Stephen Kijanga, was a stern-faced, mellow-voiced, yet passionate man in a dark brown suit. The only time I heard him shouting was when he opened the ceremony with a loud “Praise the Lord!” All the congregants responded, “Amen!”
In an introductory speech, Pastor Kijanga talked about the significance of following Jesus’ words. He quoted John 8:31-32, where Jesus says, “If you continue to accept and obey my teaching, you are really my followers. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
Pastor Kijanga held up the two Bible study booklets his congregation had gone through and explained:
“These contain good teachings for the local church. They have instructions and guidance to help believers grow in Christ. However, the Project Philip Bible study program also benefits the world outside the church! It helps those who don’t know about the Bible to discover the Word of God and to learn about Jesus Christ. The program even gives them the Bible for free!”
The Word of God is Scarce
Pastor Kijanga took the time to point out how the Bible study program impacted his church.
“First of all,” he said, “the program has encouraged the believers to engage in the Word of God, which is very scarce in this modern world. Bible League made us love studying the Bible and continue learning from it. I’m speaking from experience because I was one of those Philips.”
“Secondly,” Pastor Kijanga continued, “Project Philip has brought unity to our church. Students come together in their groups, encourage and help each other to grow in faith in Christ, and unite while learning from the Word of God.”
Thirdly, the pastor praised Bible League for its sound biblical teaching. “We live in a world full of fallacies and wrong doctrines,” he said. “But with the Project Philip teachings, using the Swahili Easy-to-Read Bible translation, people now understand the message of God’s Word.”
Before partnering with Bible League, the church in Kemange had several issues.
“We were very low in the knowledge of the Word of God,” Pastor Kijanga admitted. “It doesn’t mean that we didn’t know anything about it, but we lacked that intense way of loving the Word of God. Our morality was very low.
“However, since we started engaging in the Word of God through Project Philip, we have seen people becoming punctual and trying to be on time in church sessions.
“They didn’t want to miss the good teaching! As a result, we’ve seen the church growing day by day.”
“I want to end my speech by thanking those who brought this program here,” Pastor Kijanga concluded, referring to you, generous supporters of Bible League’s ministry. “May your work not end here, but take this project to other churches, too! I thank you.
“May God bless you abundantly.”
Plastic Chairs
The crowd responded with a round of applause.
From my position in front of the congregation, I had a great view of the attendees.
I noticed how beautiful the women looked in their traditional, colorful attire and the men and children in their best pants and shirts.
The church furniture consisted of plastic chairs in various colors, with the Swahili phrase Mungu ni Mwema (God is good) imprinted on the backrest. For Pastor John Mwita and me, though, there were fancy, big chairs in the front.
I’m sure it was an honorable place, but the imitation leather cushions made my already sweaty back even more sticky.
Yet, I enjoyed the event too much to bother.
Singing and Dancing
Pastor Kijanga ushered various singing and dancing groups to the floor to add luster to the celebration.
Many attendees were from the local Kuria tribe, and Pastor Kijanga announced they would now have a special Kuria song.
The music sounded somewhat monotonous and repetitive to me.
Still, the instantly enthused Kuria people came dancing to the front, formed some sort of messy mob, and started shaking their heads fiercely, up and down, up and down, while facing each other. It was a comical yet contagious sight!
Pastor Kijanga then handed the microphone to Stephen Mirumbe, one of Bible League Mara’s team members. As the area’s ministry coordinator, he was the one who introduced Project Philip in Kemange.
“Bwana Yesu asifiwe (Praise the Lord Jesus!)!” he greeted the congregation.
They answered with a loud “Amen!”
It wasn’t loud enough for Pastor Mirumbe, so he once again shouted, “Church, praise the Lord Jesus!” The “AMEN!!!” that followed was almost deafening.
“Based on the records in our office, we expect to graduate 112 Philips today,” Pastor Mirumbe declared.
“They attended the Bible study course to the end and will now be awarded a certificate and a whole Bible!” Cheers of expectation erupted from the audience.
“Let me tell you one thing, though,” the Bible League coordinator said. “Even though you are finished with these books and have graduated, don’t let it be the end of your learning. Don’t dismiss your groups, but stay together to learn more from the Word of God. If you keep your groups together for learning, praying, and evangelism, you’ll see the church grow! God bless you!”
Cultivating the Land
An African festive ceremony isn’t complete without all guests speaking a word or two.
After Pastor Mirumbe, it was time for our Regional Director, John Mwita. He started by appreciating the role of Bible League International.
“I don’t have much to say today,” he said after greeting the congregation. “Let’s read from Romans 10:15, ‘And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”
Pastor Mwita closed his Bible and lifted it. “You receive your Bibles today through the ministry of Bible League International,” he went on.
“These are people from far away who care to send you God’s Word.
“You can compare it with a farmer who doesn’t have enough workforce to cultivate his land. You see, the farm is the Tanzanian Church, and Bible League comes to help us cultivate that farm.”
Do you see how much your support of spreading God’s Word is valued?
Even in that far-away church in Kemange, your efforts didn’t go unnoticed.
Do you feel the direct connection with these graduates as you are reading this?
Pastor Mwita wasn’t finished yet. “Through these brothers and sisters from Bible League, we are more powerful now,” he stated. “We see the church growing because they empowered us to spread the Gospel.”
Certificates and Bibles
More music followed, increasing the excitement and building up to the great moment when all 112 participants would receive their certificates and Bibles.“These certificates may seem simple,” Pastor Mwita told the crowd, “but you have completed something important, which you can add to your CV!” An outburst of cheering and ululation came from the congregants.
Pastor John Mwita then asked me to hand them their Bibles and certificates.
I happily accepted the invitation. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed from exuberance to solemnity.
To many graduates, this would probably be the only diploma they’d ever receive. A unique experience, indeed!
Pastor Kijanga called the names of the graduates one by one.
As they stepped forward, eager to receive their Bibles, I looked them in the eyes and saw a deep gratitude in them.
Some smiled, some softly cried, and others bowed their heads as I handed them their awards.
I realized I wasn’t just congratulating them; I was blessing them and sending them off as disciples and witnesses of Christ, their living Savior!
A Growing Church
When all the graduates had received their Bibles and certificates, the celebration ended with a passionate prayer and a final praise song.
Then, we enjoyed a time of fellowship.
Pastor Kijanga gave me a tour of the church grounds and showed me a pile of bricks at the side of the church hall.
“Through the Bible study program, our church is growing,” he explained, beaming with gratitude. “We have started many cell groups and won a lot of souls. Now, we even plan to extend the church building. All of that is because of the Bible League ministry.
“People have more desire to engage in the Word of God, and we still see more people coming.”
“That’s why, on behalf of the church, I thank God for Bible League.
“May this ministry prosper and progress.
“Please extend our greetings to the global Bible League family!”
And that…
dear reader, is what I’m doing now.
Receive the warmest regards from Pastor Kijanga and his church in Kemange, and know that your labor in God’s kingdom is not in vain!